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January 26, 2010

Re[Invent] the Apartment

More and more people are taking to renewing their leases and opting to rent longer than buying right now. I read a great article on why people choose to rent vs. buying, and what they feel the benefits of both are. We've been on both sides of this, and I can say that before we buy again there are for sure things that I would do differently. For now, we're happy & content renting our smaller space and having a lot of fun re inventing the apartment. I have lived in 6 apartments in my life, this is my sixth. They each have been different, period I just love making over a new space. Actually some world famous apartments have inspired many! Here's a peak at 3 famous apartments:

Carrie from Sex And the City:

Monica & Rachel's Chic NYC pad:
Jerry's bachelor pad:
For more inspiration check out Apartment Therapy & Beyond the Big Beige Box (this woman has lived in 10 apartments and currently making over her 11th!)

Later I will post pics of our new space!

photos: google images


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