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May 20, 2013

UNBLOGGER by Darrell Vesterfelt E-Book Release

Happy Monday friends! Thank you for your honest and sincere feed back from last Wednesday's post, I really appreciate you as readers, thank you for sharing letting me share my heart. Today I have a fun treat for you today that goes along with my post and what has been stirring in my heart as of late. 

Let me introduce you to my friend Darrell Vesterfelt author of UNBLOGGER. I met Darrell through my husband back in college, they were roommates in college together. Darrel has been a much needed voice in the blogging and social media world. I appreciate his approach and honesty in a world that can be so self consuming. 

A little bit more about Darrell; 

Darrell Vesterfelt is the author of UNBLOGGER: Discovering the Power of Story in a 'How-To' World. He is also the co-founder of Prodigal Press and Prodigal Magazine. You can connect with him on Twitter at @dvest or on his blog

His e-book UNBLOGGER releases today on Amazon, and is free for you to download and read for this week only. I was able to read an advanced copy of UNBLOGGER, and I'm so glad that I did. As a blogger I was challenged by what I read, and walked away once again re evaluating my blog and making sure the voice of my blog matched my heart. I know you will love it too and be challenged in some way as well with your blogging. 

I thought it would be fun to do a little question/answer with Darrel to find out more about the release of UNBLOGGER. 

What inspired you to write UNBLOGGER?

I wrote UNBLOGGER because I was seeing a growing frustration in the blogging community. There were so many voices, and they all seemed to be saying the same thing. I know that it was always easy for me to fall into the trap of blogging for all the wrong reasons. I wanted to write an eBook, really a manifesto of sorts, to remind those of us who blog that we can do it for the right reasons. And that when we do blog for the right reasons, we will find a lot more meaning in our work.

What is one thing you hope people will take away from reading UNBLOGGER?

I hope people will asses their motives behind their blogging efforts. I think it is easy for us to let these motives go unchecked, and that can turn into a dangerous thing. If we can sit back and ask ourselves the hard questions today, we will save ourselves a lot of trouble in future. Bad motives turn into action, and those kinds of actions lead us into a really unfulfilling and meaningless place. 

Since you shut down your blog, do you ever see yourself opening up another blog and sharing in that space?

Yes I do. In fact, I just launched a new blog this week! You can check it out at Being an UNBLOGGER doesn't mean that we should all quit blogging, but it does mean that we need to start blogging for the right reasons. I hope this will be my expression of blogging for the right reasons.

This week only to celebrate the release of UNBLOGGER Darrell is offering it to you for FREE, please go here to purchase your free copy of UNBLOGGER. 


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