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December 3, 2012

My Hospital Bag Must Haves

With just two weeks till my due date I thought I'd share some of my pregnancy must haves, and other related knowledge that I've gained. These are just my own opinions, I'm not an expert. Just a mom who's lived and learned and this is what has worked for me.

The first time I had a baby I packed everything but the kitchen sink! I literally brought a small suit case. There were so many things that I thought I "needed" but the reality was I didn't use half of them. The reality is giving birth is no joke, you most likely will not feel like yourself. You may or may not feel like getting out of that hospital bed, or showering (don't worry I did). I quickly realized that all those things I thought I needed I didn't, you live and learn and now going the second time around I thought I'd share with you my "must haves" for my hospital bag.

My Hospital Bag Must Haves

For Nursing:
Boppy pillow- every mom needs one of these or some kind of nursing pillow they help so much
Lansinoh disposable nursing pads are my fave brand
Lansinoh HPA Lanolin cream is also a life saver for nursing mamas!

For Comfort:
Remember when I told you that you may or may not want to move? This is why it's important to choose comfy things to wear that are loose and not tight. 
Loose fitting pants- my fave for a couple years now have been these yoga pants from Target
Slippers- hospital floors are nasty and cold, your feet will love you for these
Socks- comfy and soft socks for labor and delivery are a must have in my book
A robe- hospital gowns aren't cute, practical for the occasion but not cute. I wanted a robe I could put on over them and at least feel cute and a little more put together than the train wreck I felt like the first time I gave birth. ;) This one is from Khol's and it's super soft, nuff said! 

For Feeling Human:
Besides the normal toiletries (shampoo, soap, tooth brush, tooth paste, etc.)
Putting on a small amount of make-up can help you feel a little refreshed and better about all those visitors coming over. In my bag:
Benefit Bad lash mascara
Neutrogena facial wipes for when you don't feel like washing your face work like a dream

For Memory Keeping:
My IPhone
Canon Rebel

The only other things I would advice is brining your own prenatal vitamins and Tylenol, of coarse they have then at the hospital and will give them to you when asked for, but they will also charge you for it. I'd prefer to keep that money in my pocket especially since those are items I already have. There you have it friends! My must haves for when you're headed to the hospital! What are some of your must haves, I'd love for you to share them in the comments below.

psst- there's still time to enter the $250 shopping spree giveaway! Go here to enter.

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