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March 20, 2008

Spring Fling!

It's finally here, today is the first "official" day of Spring! Although, it doesn't look much like Spring here in Minnesota it is getting warmer. Yesterday it was 46 degrees, and today it's going to be 40! It's not quite flip flop weather yet, but it's pretty much a heat wave for Minnesota. I even wore a dress today!

Even though I do not like the cold winters of Minnesota, I do however love that we have 4 seasons. Some last longer than others, but I love seeing the leaves on the trees change from summer to fall, it really is so pretty. I love the hot summers, and the crisp fall air. And in some small way reminds me of God's goodness!

This is my interpretation of seasons in MN!
I am learning to appreciate where you are, and the place God has you in. No matter the "season", or the "state" you are in. I know there's something to learn in every area of life that I find myself in. That's the beauty of who God is, is that anything is possible if you are willing to seek Him and follow his plan for you.


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