Ross & Rachel.... seriously who doesn't love them? All the ups and downs and "breaks!" They made you want to believe that in the end love always prevails! Right?
Daily I am reminded that God loves us the most! He wants to romance us, and spend time with us. He gave us his ulitimate gift of love when he sent his Son for us. His love always prevails..... when we read 1 Corinthians 13 it's not a loved for Brides & Grooms but truly the picture of how the Lord loves us, and what he promises us. It's his guide on how we should love others, because of his love for us. It's this kind of love that I choose even when Orion and I are in a fight and I'd like nothing more than to give up...I choose to love! The love of the Father is so pure, so unconditional, and so overwhelming to me most of the time. He loves me even though I don't deserve it sometimes, he loves me reguardless of what I do. And that is an amazing thought.
So long after Valentine's day is over, and the romance movies on Lifetime stop, and my roses wilt the Love of Christ always endures!