KISSES, to getting to go home this weekend and see family! I'll be in IA for the next 10 days! WHOO HOO!
KISSES, my nephew turning 1 on Sunday!
KISSES, figuring out somethings in life, we're on a new new journey!
KISSES, really great friends... we love you Jason & Jessica!
KISSES, bath time with my nieces last night!
DISSES, to not getting the job this week! They don't know what they're missin'!DISSES, to going to the Dr. this week and having 4 viles of blood drawn! I don't do well at Doctors!
DISSES, meeting with our Realtor this week! yuck!
DISSES, car troubles this week.. nuff said!
DISSES, Mr. Bentley who threw up in our bed Friday morning! Gross.
DISSES, our trash man who didn't take all the trash on Monday!