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September 2, 2013

Happiness vs. Contentment

Can I tell you something about myself? 

It took me a long time to realize that contentment and happiness are not the same thing. 

Can I tell you something else? It took me a long time to truly be content in my life. To come to a place of peace and contentment. 

Our happiness is based on the good things that happen to us. It's based on how good these emotions make us feel. 

I feel really good when my Husband brings me flowers, it makes me happy. But the question is, would I still feel this way if he never brought me another bouquet of flowers again? Would I be content knowing that he loves me?

Being content means that I know he loves me even if he never brought me flowers again as an extra gesture of his love. 

Being content means that you have a peace that only Christ can give and no matter what circumstances you might find yourself in life you will always come back to God's love for you and his plan for your life.

I really struggled with this and I didn't even know it. I didn't know it until my husband really opened my eyes to it. During a period in my life where I had every reason to question our circumstances I made a choice to know God's love for me was much bigger than my circumstances, and that if I allowed him he'd take that mess and make something glorious out of it. 

If you want to breed un happiness in your life focus on what you don't have. Focus on what your friends have that you wish you did. Compare yourself, your families and your lives and you will surely be unhappy, and maybe a little depressed. 

I learned that contentment meant relying on Christ and that my happiness was not determined by the circumstances of my life. 

Philippians 4:12 (NIV)

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

Nope, life is not perfect and it still throws so much at me on a daily basis but I've changed my heart and kept my perspective on Christ. It has made all the difference in living a content life and knowing that my life is NOT determined by my feelings alone. 

As I pursue my relationship with the Lord I believe one of the overflowings of that is a content spirit. 

1 Timothy 6:6 (KJV)

But godliness with contentment is great gain.

I encourage you today if you're struggling with this today to pray and seek God's wisdom. I pray that you would be able to find the source of your discontent, and that it would be replaced with JOY. 


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