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June 30, 2011

12 in 12: Book #6

Parenting Isn't for Cowards
by Dr. James Dobson

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For the month of June I decided to start reading one of my parenting books I've picked up. I've heard a lot of good things about Dr. James Dobson's books so I was excited to start reading this book. Most of his work and advice is geared towards the strong willed child, which I don't think Ava is at this point and she probably won't be if her current temperament is any indication. However, this book was a real encouragement to me as a parent. He has a lot of great things to say towards encouraging parents to trust their gut, and do their best in Parenthood.

I found myself accessing my childhood and comparing how my parents raised me to the words he was saying on the page. He covers a lot about siblings and the interaction between siblings. I could totally see my own siblings in his words. He covered a lot about discipline, and starting this early in children and the habits and patterns that form in children who aren't disciplined as children. It was very affirming and insightful for me as a young/new parent.

Parenting is one of those interesting life phases. Everyone does it differently. I feel like at the end of the day I trust my gut and my gut. And ask for the Lord's help everyday to be a great parent to Ava, and to be the kind parent she needs.

Overall, I enjoyed this book and would recommend it.

{***** my rating}



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