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January 16, 2012

Blog Roll Monday: Nesting Place

Happy Monday friends! How was your weekend?

Miss America and The Golden Globes were on this weekend, it was like my Super Bowl! This morning, I am tired but I am excited about this week. We start some exciting stuff here in the Worley House this week, but first it's time for me to share with you another blog I'm lovin' from my reading list.

Here we go! 


I don't know how or really remember how I stumbled upon The Nester's blog, but I'm so glad I did. It was shortly after our move to Arizona two years ago that I did.

What I love most about her blog is her mission and desire to share with people about being intentional in your home. Loving where you live, and being intentional on how and what you fill it with!

Her motto: "It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful."

I love that.

I've been so guilty of this many times, filling a space "just because it has to be decorated." And, also not having people over to my home because it's "less than perfect." Or being ashamed {I know, stupid} because we live in a rental and it's not really "our home."

The Nester, has reminded me time and time again that people come to your home to see you and visit your family, not your things. To let go of all that and embrace your home, and make it one.

She's inspiring to me because she lives in a rental now, even after owning her own home once. {we're in the same boat.} And, it's ok.

Here's what she says:
I know what it’s like to want a pretty house and not have much to work with and still have to get dinner on the table and nurse little children. I know what it’s like to rent and live with white walls and ugly carpet. I have decorated on no budget in the past. I’ve decided not to wait until my house is perfect to share it, use it and love it. I regret those years where I spent my time wishing my home was something more and not enjoying what I had.

To read more about The Nester and her blog visit her here.


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