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February 13, 2012

Blog Roll Monday: Bring the Rain by Angie Smith

A new blog served up fresh every Monday! I tell you why I love it, and why you should be reading it too!


I don't know how or when I first stumbled upon Angie's blog but I am so glad that I did. Angie Smith is the wife to Todd Smith lead singer of the Christian music group Selah. Theirs is a beautiful story of redemption, God's grace, mercy and love!

Her blog started as a way to bring memory to and tell the story of their daughter Audrey. A beautiful story. Their story and hope is inspiring. Their love for the Lord is amazing.

Today they use the story and tragic loss of their daughter to bring a message of God's hope and love.

I love when I see people using their platform to do so much good. To bring honor to the Lord. To bring hope. Angie's blog is that and so much more.

I could easily sit here and tell you all the reasons that I love it, and why you should to but today instead I just invite you to jump on over to her blog read their story from the beginning.

Be changed.

And know that Jesus loves you. He came for you, he died for you!

Happy Monday Friends!


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