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February 28, 2012

My Mommy Morning

Last week was a hard week, mostly because Ava was sick. Last Monday, Hubby had the day off and he took Ava to the doctor because Sunday afternoon she got a 102.6 fever! Yikes! Come to find out baby girl had a double ear infection. So for three days we fought the fever, and everything else that comes with your baby being sick.

I ended up taking Thursday off work to be at home with her since she was still sick. But, by the end of the week I was beat. Friday afternoon I decided that I needed a day. Some me time. You know what I mean?

It's been a long time since I've run errands just me, or gotten my hair done and enjoyed a relaxing day. I don't get that much anymore. And it's ok, because I love being with my family. But, every now and then you need some time for yourself I think. To do something for you. I think it keeps me sane, and in turn makes me a better wife and mother.

I couldn't take a whole day, so I decided I was just going to take the morning hours. Grab coffee and do whatever else my heart desired for a whole morning.

Friday afternoon while Ava napped I baked muffins for Ava and Orion to have while I was gone Saturday morning.


Saturday morning I grabbed coffee and headed to the Dollar Store, I love that place. So many fun things there. I was on the hunt for a few things for Ava's birthday party and a few other things.


I always buy coloring books and crayons there. They are cheap. And with a dog who eats half the crayons and the way Ava goes through a coloring book it's a great solution.

After that it was off to the salon where I spent the rest of my morning. Being pampered, getting foiled up!


By the time my hair was done it was already noon and I stopped by the grocery store before heading home. Feeling glad that I was able to get away and make time for myself even just for a few hours.

What have you done lately for yourself? How do you like to spend a morning, day or hour kid free?


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