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February 18, 2012

{DIY} Paper Lined Envelopes

Do you love the look of a paper lined envelope? Me too! I feel like it's a little extra something when your guest opens it. So special. I was on the hunt for some specific lined envelopes for Ava's upcoming birthday party, and was a bit bummed at the price tag for them. So I decided to try and line my own envelopes, turns out it's pretty easy and only cost me $1 to make 20 lined envelopes! Yes, you heard that right! I thought I'd share this idea with all of you, so you too can make your own lined envelopes for special events. You can see more of Ava's party inspiration by going here.


Here's what you'll need:
Envelopes in any size and amount {mine we're size 5.5x6 in and there were 20}
Paper of any color or design {the amount will depend on how many envelopes you'll be lining}

JoAnn's was having a special 4 sheets for a buck the day I went, so I took a chance and just got 4 sheets for my 20 envelopes. You can always go back if you don't get enough and don't forget to use your coupons!

Here's what I did, I used the top flap of the envelope and traced around it to make a pattern for 1, and then cut it out and used it as a pattern to trace and cut the other 19. I made sure to place it inside the envelope first making sure it fit before cutting them all out.


Then using an Elmer's tape runner glue the pieces of paper into the envelopes. The paper doesn't need to go all the way into the envelope since your invitation will be cover the inside. It just needs to "peek" out a bit.


Press each piece of paper firmly inside, and fold the flap over again pressing firmly to make sure everything is glued down before sealing them with your invite inside.


Keep repeating this process till all your envelopes are done, and you'll be left with beautifully lined envelopes! Your guests will think you spent a lot of money on them. And, then when you tell them you did it yourself their be so impressed, right?!



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