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October 1, 2009

It's October!

I love October, the start of the Fall season. You can start making things with pumpkins, and planning your fall outings to the orchard or pumpkin patch with the family. Sit on your porch and sip cider. Starbucks has these awesome fall drinks like Pumpkin Spice Lattes'. It's Breast Cancer Awareness month, so you can wear pink and celebrate!
You can dress your kids up in really sweet Halloween costumes, or throw a party of your own. I've always wanted to do that but my Hubby isn't so all about Halloween or dressing up.

My my favorite thing about this wonderful month of October is that we celebrate two BIG things here in the Worley House! My Birthday and the Anniversary of my photography business.

I love birthdays, oh so much. I love turning one year older, and celebrating other people's birthdays too!

This is also the second year of my business. Last year I offered my clients a discount for their sessions. It went over so great, that I decided to make it a yearly thing during a our anniversary. I had so much fun last year shooting during the fall season, I can't wait to do it again this year.

So Happy October peeps! Enjoy some cider for me, since I can't have any right now.........


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