How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain: 8.8 lbs.
Maternity clothes? duh.
Stretch marks? none.
Sleep: leg cramps and peeing...nuff said!
Best moment this week: I know this might sound weird to some or vain but getting my hair cut & hi lighted this week was the best. I haven't had a hair cut since May and I was well over due, and now I feel more like myself. And for all Mom's and Mom's to Be you know this is a big deal to feel beautiful during this stage of life.
Movement: She's a night owl, what can I say?
Cravings: Milk.
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: none.
Belly Button in or out? in.
What I miss: nothing at the moment.
What I am looking forward to: seeing family & friends next week.
Weekly Wisdom: I've been reading this great book called Five Star Families, and I'm really enjoying it. It's got all sorts of great advice. Stay tuned for my review!