My future sis-in-law just sent me the links to the adorable dresses and shoes they found for my nieces to wear in their upcoming wedding! They are so cute. They are going with black, silver and navy for their colors since my Brother will be wearing his Air force blues for the ceremony. I think it's a beautiful combination for a wintry wedding. My nieces will be the two flower girls for the wedding and I think they are going to look adorable in these, aren't they cute:

Girls' Long Sleeve Shirt Dress from Target
They are so pretty and festive!

Adelaide Glitter Ballet Shoe from Target
I think these are my fave part of the whole outfit, what girl doesn't love a little glitter?
I'm thinking about picking up a pair for Baby G for next Christmas!
I'm a firm believer that you don't have to buy flower girls dresses at a wedding shop, check the sales around the holidays and you can find some great stuff for your wedding even after Christmas. I found my flower girl dresses at an after Christmas sale at Younkers.
Oh I love weddings, especially when they involve people I love!
More to come after January 16, 2010