I've watched this show from the beginning. Orion and I love this show. We've always said that we relate most to Jon & Kate as a couple.
Tonight was the premiere episode of Season 5 of one of my fave shows Jon & Kate Plus 8. I've been looking forward to this for weeks now, but in light of tabloid rumors and all that's going on with this family I was truly sad as I watched tonight's episode.
You could see that both we're frustrated, hurt, and probably angry at a lot of things. I felt sad as I watched them talk about how they are 'doing everything' for the sake of their kids, and how they barely spoke at the sextuplets 5th birthday party, and how they didn't know what their future holds.
I agree their personal lives concerning the issues surrounding them are personal and should stay that way. I choose not to believe everything I read, but hearing them talk tonight I wish, hope and pray that they can work it out. Not only for the 'good of their children' but because they love each other and want to make it work. I believe love conquers all, and if you want your marriage to work it can.
I won't pretend that I have a clue what they are going through or how their lives have been impacted by this. I don't. I can only imagine how they feel or how I would feel having people invade my privacy or take pictures of my children and be so invasive.
People say, they brought this upon themselves. But, I don't think anyone expects this kind of thing. No matter, if they are on t.v. or not. I think we have to remember that they first and foremost were and are, a regular family that just were trying to tell their story and capture memories for their children.
Who asks for this? No one, I'm pretty sure of it.