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December 9, 2011

12 in 12: Book #12 & What I Learned

This is my last book of my 12 in 12 Challenge:


Something Blue
by Emily Giffin

After Something Borrowed you really don't like Darcy Rhone, but by the end of this book you're reminded that people can change if they want to.

Here's what I really loved about both Something Borrowed & Something Blue; both books take a real look at friendships and relationships and how sometimes things aren't always cut and dry. Sometimes they are complicated, messy, and not picture perfect.

And that my friends is real life.

I think this book was about change. Darcy changes as a person, and it allows her to become better in every area of her life. And, of coarse there's a little love story mixed in. The book gives you just a little glimpse into the lives of the character's and where they are now from Something Borrowed but the main focus is on Darcy and her life now. 

By the end you kinda fall in love with her too. Or at least I did.

I'm a big Emily Giffin fan now after reading these last two books. She's sparked my interest in reading fiction again so it's kinda fun.

{***** my rating}

So what did I learn from my challenge this year?

I started out the year just wanting to read more, for myself. I used to read all the time and sorta just stopped when I didn't feel like I had enough time. I've realized that there's always time to make for something, we make time for the things we want to. {this is a life lesson} It was true in this case too.

I made more time to read. I found time on my lunch breaks, at night when the baby was in bed and hubby was watching t.v. I read. I read a lot of books that fed my soul, made me laugh, cry, think and ones that challenged me.

My sister bought my a Kindle for my birthday, and it made me want to read more. I found myself reading books faster than before. It could be purely psychological {I'm sure it is} but I like it!

I really want to continue to read just as much as I did this year, and hopefully push myself even more next year in 2012!

What about you? Any challenges you completed for yourself this past year? Tell me about it in the comments below!

What's next for 2012's challenge? Well, it has to do with turning 30! Stay tuned for the first of the year when I reveal next year's challenge for myself.


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