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December 13, 2011

{Handmade Holiday} Easy DIY Gift Packaging

I've been making handmade gifts all season long, and for some of them I needed some small boxes to wrap them up in. So instead of buying ones I used what was already in my home in a creative way. This is an easy DIY method that you could repeat many ways for different occasions not just Christmas.

Here's what I used:


You could also use left over paper towel rolls and just cut them to size. Also you can use different paper too like scrapbook paper, newspaper or any kind of paper really. Remember this is just a method so you could switch out the ribbon and paper as you see fit for your gifts.

Here's what I did next:



Pretty simple and easy right?!! Let it dry completely. After its done drying fold one end in and then fold the other end over it, repeat on the other end of the roll to seal your gifts inside. It will end up looking like this, after you've tied an pretty ribbon around it of coarse!


An easy gift packaging option that I think is really simple and cute too!

What ways are you packaging up your gifts this year? Pretty paper, ribbons and bows?

Tell me about it below!

Linking Up this project with:
A Bowl Full of Lemons * My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia * Get Your Craft On
Thirty Handmade Days * Sundae Scoop * Weekend Wrap Up Party

On a complete side note; Our Dwell Studio Bedding is for sale. I'd be willing to ship it anywhere if you're interested. see the Craigslist posting here.


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