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December 5, 2011

Blog Roll Monday: The Dating Divas

Happy Monday Friends! How was your weekend?

Ours was good, we'd planned to go up North to visit friends but due to the snow and driving conditions through the mountains we decided to stay home. Instead we did some Christmas shopping, and decorating!

Can I tell you a secret? I wasn't going to decorate anything this year since we're going to be in Iowa for two weeks at Christmas time. My husband was kinda feeling like I was sucking the Christmas spirit out of it, since I didn't want to put up the decorations this year.

Sunday, he started pulling out boxes and I agreed to put up a few decorations. Just not the tree. So that's what we did, I decorated the mantle and hung our stockings. Hubby wanted Ava to have a little Christmas cheer before we go off to Iowa for Christmas.

Okay, now onto what we're here for, right!? I want to introduce you to a blog I really love..........


When I found this blog, I nearly jumped for JOY! I mean, a whole blog about date night ideas, and stuff to nurture and spice up your relationship with your Hubby?!

Hello, sign me up as a faithful reader!

I don't know about you, but I'm always looking for ideas for date nights, and creative ways to nurture my own relationship with my spouse. This blog is full of ideas for just that!

No matter where your marriage is at, I think we all can agree that sometimes it's hard to sneak in that extra needed time together. It's easy to do when you're dating, and before you're married it seems. But, after you say "I do" it all seems to get a little harder, and take more effort.

Anyone with me?

Written by a collection of women who post weekly about dates with your Hubby, creative gift ideas, and more! Meet them here.

They have date ideas for just two people, or double dates, theme dates, and more! Check them out here.

Their tag line: Strengthening marriages, one date at a time! I couldn't agree more, check out their full site here.  

Jump on over, and give them some love. And while you're at it start planning your next date night!


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