You've probably seen these all over the blog world via parties and decor blogs and sites. I think they are a genius idea for jazzin' up a space for a party.
These little pom poms are great for little girls birthday parties, bridal and baby showers, and pretty much anything really.
I decided to whip some of these babies up for a bridal shower I helped host over the weekend.

They are super easy to make, and all you need is a little time and patience.
This is a really easy project, and this is a method. You can take this same idea and cut your tissue paper down to a small size and make different size pom poms.
They really add something and help fill a large space.
I'm going to make some of these for Ava's first birthday party.
Here's what you'll need:
- tissue paper (variety of colors of your choosing)
- scissors
- floral wire or a thin wire
- fishing line or some sort of string for hanging
- thumb tacks for hanging
And follow these easy instructions via Martha: I'd show you, but hers are better instruction and well let's just leave it up to her.
Be Creative Challenge
Week #25
last photo via