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June 1, 2009

Blog Roll Monday; Momtog & Drewb

I know what you're thinking, are photography blogs all that this girl reads?!!? Well, the answer is yes, and no. I do read a lot of photography blogs, it's true. But in my defense these blog rolls are in alphabetical order, I just write about them as they come.

Except for this week, I had to group the Fabulous Drewb & Momtog together. Since they are written by the same author I thought it was only fair.

Drewb Photography

I first found Drewb's photography blog by accident while I was reading another blog. But since then, I've fallen in love with her images and her stories. One of the things I would like to become better at are telling the stories of my couples, children and families. And, I've learned the fine art of adding this detail by reading her blog. She's one of my top 3 fave photography blogs that I read daily.

Now on to Momtog, "For Mom's who Love Photography" that's her by line. Now, I'm not a Mom yet, but I found this blog by reading her other blog and with a name like "Momtog" I had to check it out for myself. This adorable little blog is the inspiration for helping other Mom's take great pictures of their children. Such a great resource out there for Moms, and people like me who may not be a Mommy yet, but might want to learn a thing or two. I've learned so much about photographing children, and that's been the best part of reading her blog, not to mention the adorable images of her son!

If you're a Mom you have to read this blog! She'll give you a whole new perspective, plus to don't have to be a Pro to feel like you can do photography for your kids.

Happy reading, and happy Monday folks!


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