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January 28, 2010

31 weeks, 9 more to go!

31 weeks/ 7 months/ 3rd trimester
Only 9 more to go! Seems like those weeks will fly by, gives me 9 weeks to finish the nursery, get a car seat and feel settled. Because right now, while I can't wait to meet our baby girl I don't feel prepared just yet. And, for all that may or may not have questions about her name I'll officially announce that her name will be;
Ava Hadley Worley

Who knew that a name could be such a BIG deal, but it's been quite a conversation in our home about what to name her, or shall I say what the middle name would be. I've always loved the name Ava, I think it sounds beautiful, romantic and classic. I told Orion right away if this baby was a girl her name would be Ava, and he liked it too so that part was easy. Middle name however stumped us. Orion isn't into family names, and naming children after family members. He's fine with naming your children after yourself, but not other people. Me on the other hand all my family, brothers & sister are all named after family members. Orion thinks kids should have their own original names, I on the other hand see it as a way of honoring family. Either way, I don't think one way or the other is wrong or right. But, we decided that it would be ok if we named our girl something original and not after anyone.

We heard the name Hadley from a t.v. show we watched, and fell in love with it. It's very Southern, Orion is Southern so it's fitting! :) We think it sounds pretty together, and thus Ava Hadley!

I'm going to the doctor every two weeks now, which is fun cause it's kinda like a progression. It makes me feel like we're getting close! I go back on the 1st, and then again on the 2nd for my (hopefully) last ultrasound appointment to check my placenta! We'll see.

My family is making plans to come visit around the time of her birth, I'm having my last baby shower next month, and I'm busily trying to finish the nursery so that's it's done. We're almost there, just a few more things to add. Then I'll post pics!

How far along? 31 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 14.8 lbs.

Maternity clothes? Yes

Stretch marks? none

Sleep: Sleep and I, we're not friends. I'd like to be friends again, but this might be the end of our relationship for a while.

Best moment this week: Getting maternity pics taken, can't wait to see how they turn out. My photog said that I'm very limber and lookin' good for being 7 almost 8 months along. That's always nice to hear!

Movement: Lots and lots. She moves a ton at night. But she's a little stubborn when I watch her to move for others she stops and won't let them feel her. Sorry everyone!

Cravings: Nothing really

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: none

Belly Button in or out? in, but it's starting to look as if it's coming out a bit more.

What I miss: Being able to get out of bed, without it feeling like an ordeal. :)

What I am looking forward to: Getting our maternity proofs in the mail, two packages from UPS w/ nursery stuff!

Weekly Wisdom: none

Milestones: Making progress on the nursery this week, and feeling like it's almost done!

pic: just a little self portrait & photo shop fun!


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