It's hard to believe that my little (not so much anymore) brother is now married! One of the primary reasons for traveling back to the Midwest was for my Brother's wedding to his girlfriend of two and half years, Jessie. They were married January 16th, 2010 in a beautiful winter ceremony. I've since decided that winter weddings are my new fave! There was just the right of frost covering the trees that morning to make it so romantic.
Orion and I sang in the wedding for the Unity Candle Lighting. We sang, "When God Made You" by Natalie Grant & New Song. We had this song sung in our wedding, and it was a special treat to sing it together in my Brother's wedding.
Here's a few pictures from the BIG day, to see more click here.

So happy for them, and excited to have a new Sister in the family! Congrats Sam & Jessie!