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January 21, 2010

The Bump Fairy: 30 weeks

After being gone for the last 10 days, it's good to finally be home. I had a great trip in MN visiting friends, and a great time in IA being with family for my brother's wedding. Orion and I had a great trip. It was on that trip home that I realized I've hit the "uncomfortable" stage finally of my pregnancy. My back is killing me almost daily throughout the day, and I can't sleep due to this and getting up to use the bathroom multiple times during the night. I try to tell myself that we're on the home stretch and not that much longer to get me through. We only have 10 weeks left! That is crazy to me, I feel like this time has just flown by. It's gone by so fast, we still have a few more things we need to do/buy for the baby to feel really ready. So I'm thankful that God has a purpose for the 9 months that we have.

We went to the doctor on Monday, got to hear the heartbeat it's strong at 150! And she's in the 26th percentile for weight. I scheduled my next ultrasound for Feb. 2nd for them to re check again my placenta. I'm praying that it's either moved, or this is the last time they will have to check so we can finally get a date for our C-section or not. More to come on that.....

How far along? 30 weeks/7 months/3rd trimester

Total weight gain/loss: 14.8 lbs

Maternity clothes? Yes, daily.

Stretch marks? none that weren't there before.

Sleep: Between bathroom breaks, and back pain nightly sleep is becoming harder and harder. I've been trying to get a nap in during that day though because at this point I'm not sleeping well during the night.

Best moment this week: Hearing a great report from the doctor. Baby Ava got 8 out of 8 on her growth & development ultrasound last month. So far they say we have a small baby, but she's at a good weight.

Movement: Lots and lots of movements.

Cravings: Ice cream, I made Orion take me during the night a couple nights ago to get some from the store in a rain storm!

Gender: Baby Girl!

Labor Signs: none.

Belly Button in or out? in.

What I miss: Sleep. But, I don't think I'm going to get much better at this point.

What I am looking forward to: Finishing the baby's nursery, we've got to get a few more things and I have a few more things I want to put on the walls for decor and then I think we'll be ready for the BIG reveal!!

Weekly Wisdom: none.

Milestones: Making it to 30 weeks, only 10 more to go!!


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