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March 31, 2011

12 in 12: Book #3

Book #3

Uncharted Territori by Tori Spelling

For book #3 I decided to read this book. I'd already read book one and book two of hers so it was only natural that I'd want to read book number three. 

Here's the deal I know not everyone is a fan of Tori Spelling, you probably have your fair share of opinions about her, etc....etc.... 

But for the sake of this book review let's just pretend were all on some level playing field here and take this for what it's worth. 

Book one was about her explaining, dispelling rumors and telling the real truth about her lift according to her. Book two, was about her life as a Mommy and wife. 

This book was about her life where it is now. Wife, mother, business owner, friend, and everything else that she is that you want to add to the list. 

After reading all three of her books I am used to her writing style which is quite good, she's very funny and has a way with story telling and words. I actually really enjoy reading her books. 

The basic theme about this book that I got was all about juggling, balance and finding that perfect fit (there isn't one in my opinion) between mothering, being a wife and everything else that you want to be or are supposed to be in your life. She's dealing with in this book. 

I don't know if you like her, or if she annoys you or if you are her #1 fan but what I do know is that she is a Mom, a wife and a woman trying to raise her kids, find balance, a way to make it work and fit together, she struggles with it and openly admits she's not perfect. 

And that's something can relate to. It doesn't matter my opinions. 

People have enough opinions and judgements these days. 

Women don't need that. 

Moms don't need that. 

People don't need that. 

They need love, understanding and most of all Jesus. 

It made me relate to her. It made me want to be her friend. 

And that to me, is a book I like. 


**** [my rating]


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