I really love the idea of adding wainscoting to your home as part of your decor. I think it instantly adds character and depth to your rooms. You've heard me talk about it before. Traditional wainscoting is comprised of using moldings to create dimension and depth. You can see examples of this here, and here.
When working with a rental it's hard to add anything like this to your space because most rentals will not allow you to add moldings or board & batten to your walls and space.
I really wanted to take this idea of wainscoting and figure out a way to add this same effect to our space. Since we're in a rental ourselves it took some extra brainstorming, but we finally came up with a really good idea involving paint! You all know how much I think paint can transform a room.
We took the same idea and used painters tape to make it all happen.
Here's what our space looked like before:

Here's what we did:
We measured off the area we wanted to mark off with painters tape.
We drew straight lines with a level and then put the painters tape along those lines.

After adding the tape and making sure it was all pressed down and sealed really well. We used Frog Painters Tape, cause we think it's the best of the best when it comes to painters tape.
We then added the paint.
Waited for it to dry, and then took the tape off while the paint was still slightly wet.
Here's our finished look:

We really love it, and how it all turned out. We've gotten many compliments since finishing this project! It's really added a lot to our cookie cutter apartment rental. It doesn't even feel like a rental anymore, it really feels like a home.
What do you think?
Cost Break Down:
Paint $9.95 Olympic Flat Finish Paint in Camel
Tape $5.99 Frog Painters Tape
Be Creative Challenge
Week #31