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January 27, 2011

Marriage Matters

Last week I talked about simplifying my marriage here, this week I've really been thinking a lot about what I can do? What is my part in my marriage? And how can I help my husband, and be the wife he needs? Orion is currently doing a 21 day media fast from all t.v., social networking, and web/Internet. I feel blessed and encouraged to have a Godly husband that desires to hear the voice of God and what he'd want for our family and marriage.

During this time of fasting and prayer I really want to encourage him, and help him along in this process as much as I can. This week, I've been praying and reading my Bible asking God for wisdom in these areas to help me be a better wife and for our marriage.

I came across a list on a blog I read often by Pastor Steven Furtick, I loved it so much and it was very encouraging and so on point for me and where I'm at I thought I'd pass it along to you. I believe these are great ways to help your husband, and be the help mate he needs, to encourage, uplift and pray for him.

This is a list from a Husband to their Wife:

1. I need you to take care of you.
-your health, happiness, your intimacy with God

2. I need you to believe in me.
3. I need you to encourage me.
-I'm with you no matter what
-I know you best and love you most
-Who cares what they think

4. I need you to help keep me focused on what really matters.

5. I need you to make our home "base," a place where I feel safe

6. I need you to pray for me.
-You know what to pray better than anyone

7. I need you to remind me of God's past faithfulness.

This list was so eye opening for me. It seems so obvious sometimes and other times I can feel completely stuck as to how I should be encouraging my husband and his needs. This word gives me a lot of perspective and a way to continue to pray and act!

What are some of the ways you keep encouraging your husband? What are some ways you keep your marriage fresh, and alive?

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Go!


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