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January 31, 2011

He Loves Us

Ava and I have a simple bed time routine, at three months old I started this routine with her. I'm sure it's much like other children's, we read a few books after that we turn off the lights and I sing a few songs to her before laying her in her bed and closing the door.

They are simple songs.

They are songs that my Grandma sang to me as I child, and now I sing them to her.

I was thinking a couple days ago about the words to these songs. They all begin, end and somewhere in the middle tell her about how much Jesus loves her.

Since giving birth to Ava, I know the Lord has revealed to me a whole new outlook about how much he loves me, how much he loves my family and people. I never experienced love quite like the way I love Ava. It's such a different kind of love than the love I had for Orion.

Sometimes it's overwhelming how much I love her, and sometimes I cry just because of the blessing that she is, and how thankful I am. I feel overwhelmed at times hoping and praying that I will be the mother she needs, that I will show her and tell her how much Jesus loves her. I hope and pray that she will grow to love him, have a relationship with the Father and serve him with all of her heart.

I'm convinced that having Ava has given me a glimpse and somewhat understanding of how much God loves us. There are so many reasons for him to not love us, but still he does. We are his children and he loves us beyond anything that we could ever imagine.

God gave his only son for us. Sometimes I ask myself could I do that with Ava? Truly?

What he gave was the ultimate sacrifice and love.

I understand the Father now in a way that I never did before. It's humbling, it breaks me to the core.

And in all the uncertainty of life, the storms that come I am reminded that He LOVES Us. This simple truth helps me get through those times, and let's me know that even though life will not always be perfect, God is.

Things do not shake me or rattle me the way they used to because I know no matter what everything will be ok, the promises of God are still true and he will be there with us, walking with us, and loves us through every step.

The last couple weeks there's been a song replaying over and over in my head.

A few nights ago I found myself humming it and singing it to Ava while I rocked her one night before bed.

The words are simple.

But they are so true. So powerful.

A truth I want to pass onto her, to teach her about God's love for us.

Listen. Be encouraged today. He loves you.


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