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January 18, 2011


A couple weeks back I was challenged when I read this post from one of my favorite bloggers. Challenged to take a look at the year and challenge myself with reflection, and choose 1 word to describe the year, to bring purpose for the year, to make a difference in my own life little by little.

2010, brought with it much change. Many joys like the birth of our first baby. And lots of other challenges we had to face and look straight in the eye and make the most of situations that were not of our own choosing. Some where along the way things got messy, out of order, haywire if you will. I've spent the last couple weeks praying and seeking what God would want to teach us and mostly ME about the season of life we walked through last year. I am convinced that God cares more about how we react to situations more than the situation itself.

It's how we respond that defines our character, and challenges us, and brings us closer to the Savior or takes us farther away.

This year in thinking about one word for the year, my word:


Growing up I used to think being simple, meant boring or un original. But now I realize that there's peace in the simplicity of knowing exactly who you are, and where God has you for the season of life he has you in. I am no stranger to change, our family, marriage and personal lives have seen more change in these last three years than we ever could have imagined. I've realized that as one season ends, another begins and God continues to open doors along the way.

This year I want to challenge myself to simplify in every area.

Simplify my relationship with the Lord, reading, studding and praying about where he wants us to be. Not making it complicated or putting pressure and letting my flesh want to control things. But, just waiting and hearing from God. Having the peace to know that he has us right where he wants us to be.

Simplifying my home. I talked about before about getting rid of clutter and one of my goals for the year was to clear out the things that we don't need or use and get back to basics. I don't want to have stuff, just to have it. I want every thing I bring in to have purpose and something we love.

Simplifying my marriage and personal life. Some where along the way the chaos of the last year, all the changes and situations we've been through Orion and I haven't made the time for each other. Date nights have taken a back seat. This year I want to date my husband again, and get back into a routine of regular date nights and spending intentional time together. I also want us to have regular family days or nights. I feel like this is really important now as we become a family and begin patterns for a healthy family and home life.

Orion and I are facing yet another transition in life, while we pray through this time and seek the Lord my prayer is that God "simply" speaks to us and gives us his peace during this time. That we don't make hearing God's voice to complicated and that he will show us where we're to be. 

Even though this time is confusing, sad, and not what we expected I know that God is with us and we have peace in that. 

This year I want to simply enjoy all that God has blessed us with. 

Enjoy each other. Grow closer to him. 

Grow closer in love with each other. 

Simply Be.


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